Clean Energy Council (CEC) Australia

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is the peak body representing Australia's clean energy sector, covering 600+ members operating in the renewable energy sector.

What is the Clean Energy Council (CEC)?

With 1,000,000+ rooftops and over 3.3GW installed photovoltaic (PV) power, Australia definitely benefits from the independent (solar) association Clean Energy Council.The CEC represents Australia's clean energy sector and covers a network of over 600 member companies operating in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency.The Clean Energy Council is a not-for-profit association which is based in Melbourne and operates nationally.

How does the Clean Energy Council (CEC) generate income?

The CEC is mainly funded by industry accreditation programs, sponsoring and membership fees.[caption id="attachment_2320" align="aligncenter" width="150"]Clean Energy Council (CEC) Australia Clean Energy Council (CEC) Australia[/caption]

Which technologies does the Clean Energy Council (CEC) support?

The CEC covers all clean energy technologies. These include the following:1. bioenergy 2. cogeneration 3. energy efficiency 4. geothermal 5. hydro 6. solar (pv) 7. solar hot water 8. marine energy 9. wind

What are the main tasks of the Clean Energy Council (CEC)?

The Clean Energy Council's main role is to help develop and advocate policies which accelerate the development of the clean energy technologies mentioned above, even though it can not always influence decisions made by local governments.Further the Clean Energy Council promotes the industry through events, meetings and media.

Targets that the Clean Energy Council has set for itself:

The CEC has mainly two main goals:- Ensure at least 20% of Australia's electricity is generated by renewable energy by 2020. - Level the playing field for clean energy technology relative to fossil fuels, which means the CEC supports taxes on carbon.

What is the Clean Energy Council accreditation?

The CEC accreditation can be divided in two groups: the CEC certified installation companies and the CEC certified products, such as CEC accredited solar panels.

CEC accreditation for solar panel manufacturers

Any solar panel installed in Australia must be certified and approved to AS/NZS5033. This certification is needed regardless of whether a rebate is sought.Any solar panel manufacturer that wants to sell its solar panels in Australia needs to apply to this so called CEC certification.

CEC for installation companies

The Clean Energy Council accreditation for solar power installation companies has been introduced to ensure the safety, performance and reliability of solar systems installed. Further CEC encourages best practices amongst installers.Some useful Energy Council website. Energy Council's specialized solar accreditation website. It contains info on pv accreditation, info for end-users, approved products and installer resources.
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