Thermal Cycling Test: why perform it?

The PV Thermal Cycling Test is an environmental test that simulates thermal stresses on the solar panel by fluctuating extreme temperatures.

How is the test performed?

The thermal cycling test is performed by placing the to-be-tested solar panel in a heat chamber which is heated and cooled up to 200 times from C -40 to +90. The solar panel needs to endure frequent and vast change from one temperature extreme to the other. [caption id="attachment_2596" align="aligncenter" width="250"]Solar thermal cycling test PV thermal cycling test, source:[/caption] Different thermal expansion coefficients of encapsulation materials may cause problems to the soldering inside the solar panel. This may result in major defects, such as power degradation and interruption of the electric circuity.  

What problems can be found through the Thermal Cycling Test?

Exposing the solar panel towards extreme temperature conditions, problems that can be identified with the thermal cycling test:
  1. Broken interconnects
  2. Broken Cells
  3. Solder bond failures
  4. Junction box and module connection failures
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