Transformer and HV/MV Skid Quality Inspections

Hire our specialized quality engineers to perform FAT at transformer factories


At the PV and BESS Factories in Asia


Zero Risk Solar® Projects




PV & BESS Factories Audited

Partner with Sinovoltaics to supervise your Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)

You waited 2 years for your transformers to be produced and delivered on-site, and it’s not working as you expected?

Sinovoltaics' FAT monitoring service offers performance safety and project confidence by ensuring tests are performed correctly. As a non-biased and ISO 17020 third party, we physically verify the tests and accurately collect the data generated during the Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT). We offer the assurance that your transformer station or High Voltage (HV) or Medium Voltage (MV) skids meet all specified requirements and functions reliably.

Testing standards for the Factory Acceptance Testing are agreed upon during contracting and may cover:

  • Visual Inspection
  • Electrical Testing
    - Grounding continuity test
    - Voltage Ratio
    - Winding Resistance
    - No-load loss
  • Oil test (thermometer function or temperature rise for example)
  • Performance Testing
  • Safety Testing

Consult with our transformer experts to understand more about our FAT supervision services. Do not hesitate to contact us. To stay updated on the evolving transformer suppliers in Mainland China, download our Mainland China Transformer Factories Map.

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Quality Inspection Expertise

  • PV Modules
  • Mounting Systems
  • Inverters
  • Solar Cells
  • Trackers
  • Transformers
  • Turnkey Stations

  • Cables
  • Charge Controllers
  • Cleaning Robots
  • Combiner Boxes
  • DC Disconnects
  • Floats (Floating PV)
  • Solar Street Lights

Over 350+ Solar PV & BESS Factories Audited

Since 2009, Sinovoltaics has audited over 350+ solar PV and battery energy storage factories across Asia-Pacific.

Our solar PV and battery energy storage component-specialized auditors are accredited with the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) and are proud to support you with a comprehensive and insightful assessment of prospective suppliers by using their extensive experience in the operations management of PV and BESS factories in Asia.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, and with offices in Shanghai, Switzerland, USA, and Vietnam and local quality inspection and audit teams in India, South Korea, Thailand, and Türkiye, we are strategically located close to all solar PV component and battery energy storage manufacturing bases and shipping ports in Asia and North America.

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