Astronergy Financial Ranking – Ranking Report

Discover how Astronergy’s financial strength compares to other PV module manufacturers. Chint Solar (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd (Astronergy) is listed as the mother company on the latest Sinovoltaics Ranking Report.

What’s the Sinovoltaics Ranking Report?

The Ranking Report consists of Altman-Z Scores, which are calculated to understand which PV module manufacturers are financially stable, and which players are at risk of going bankrupt. For any stakeholder involved in solar projects, the financial stability of the manufacturer is of crucial importance, as the longevity of the manufacturer is directly linked to the validity of the product and performance warranty.

About Astronergy

Company name: Astronergy (Chint Solar (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd). Astronergy official websites: www.astronergy.comChina factory address: 1335 Binan Road, Binjiang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Note that the information below is based on the Sinovoltaics Ranking Report - Edition 1-2020. The PV Module Ranking Report is updated every quarter. Make sure to have access to the most recent data: You can download the latest Ranking Report for free here >>>.

How Astronergy compares to other PV module manufacturers listed on the Sinovoltaics Ranking Report

At the time of writing, Astronergy ranks 14 / 70 amongst publicly listed PV module manufacturers. See how Astronergy ranks compared to other solar PV manufacturers And here Astronergy is ranked in a column chart: This chart shows how Astronergy ranks compared to other solar PV manufacturers

How are the Ranking Report scores interpreted?

The scores are categorized into 3 zones called the Safe Zone, Grey Zone, and Distress Zone: At the time of writing, Astronergy’s Ranking Report score is 2.41, and the company is considered to be in the SAFE ZONE.

Download the latest Sinovolaics Ranking Report

Learn how the Astronergy score has been calculated and how it compares to other solar PV Module Manufacturers? Download the latest Sinovoltaics Ranking Report for free here >>>. 

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