How to troubleshoot a solar system?

This article describes how you can troubleshoot a solar system in basic steps. Common issues are zero power and low voltage output.

Troubleshooting a solar (pv) system

Below I will describe basic steps in troubleshooting a PV array. Quality solar panels are built and guaranteed to produce power for 25 years. For that reason, it’s most likely that a problem is caused by a defect in system components other than the panels, such as the solar inverter, charge controller, wiring or batteries. However nearly every pv manufacturer has seen defects in solar panels over the past years, and I’ll also describe common quality issues that might shut down a pv module.

Two common problems that require troubleshooting

As mentioned above, most of the problems are caused by the inverter and charge controller. There are two failure modes which the solar system maybe experience. These two conditions which may require troubleshooting are:

  1. Zero Power Output (No Power)
  2. Low Voltage Issue

Troubleshooting: Zero power output

Zero output is a common problem and in nine out of ten cases, it is due to a faulty inverter or charge controller. It’s also possible that one solar panel in your pv array failed. As the pv modules are connected in series, one failing pv module will shut down the entire system.

Troubleshooting: low power situation

If your solar system is not delivering sufficient power for which it is rated for, the resulting situation is called a low power situation. This is the most common type of problem and a few, quick, troubleshooting steps will help you find the source of the problem. The factors that could contribute to a low power problem are:


This is possibly the most common cause of low voltage. Ensure that there are no trees around and that the solar panels are not blocked by shadow at any time during the day. Keep in mind that a solar systems lasts for more than 25 years and trees grow over time. Conducting a bi-annual survey of the installation site is a good idea.


If shading is not an issue, most likely it will be the higher than normal operating temperature of the solar panels. It has been scientifically proven that the voltage drop rises with the rise in temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower will be the power output. Adding more modules in series, and therefore increasing the string voltage, will eliminate this problem. Also, make sure that there’s sufficient air circulation beneath the panels and that this open space is not blocked in any way.

Bad Connections

If the modules are not overheated, the best bet for you will be to check for a bad connection. You can use a multi-meter to check the voltage levels at various points to find out the point beyond which the problem of low voltage begins. If your system was professionally wired, chances are that you may not experience this problem, but it is worth checking for.

Solar panel defects

It’s uncommon for a solar panel to fail as they’re meant to last 25 years in the field. However nearly all large pv manufacturers have seen product recalls over the past years, and therefore you mean come across failing solar panels when you troubleshoot a solar system. There are a dozen of problems that may occur, let me mentioned the most common ones:


The series resistance of the solar cells in a panel could have increased over time. This may be the result of a hotspot that may occur when micro cracks appear in the cells. The result is a lower voltage in the panel, which will bring the overall voltage of the solar array down.

Junction box

An increase in resistance is also likely to happen in a junction box that may be exposed to moisture. Nowadays quality junction boxes are IP67 certified, which means they’re completely waterproof. There have been numerous recalls in the pv industry due to bad design junction boxes. The good thing is that junction boxes can be changed fairly easily.


Delamination is another common defect. You should be able to see delamination with your own eyes. When delamination occurs, moisture can enter the electrical circuit of the panel, which may create a current leak or a short. Other solar panel defects are PID (Potential Induced Degradation), micro cracks, UV discoloring.

A certified pv installer can help troubleshoot a solar system

After performing these basic troubleshooting steps, if you are not able to locate the source of problem, it is better to call a certified or licensed electrician. Keep in mind that while doing any troubleshooting, there is always a potential of getting shock. Make sure that you wear insulating shoes and gloves when performing any such work.



on 17 Apr 2024

Hello, we have new mppt and we try to connect all the wires of battery amd solar panel. The battery info is working we can see the voltage but the solar is zero. And looks like it does not detect the sun light. What could have been the issue?



on 11 Jan 2024

Hi My solar charges using both electric and solar panels,I had no electricity for the past 2days and I was using solar to operate the the solar panels were unable to pick up my inventory,then the electricity came back the solar is not charging.



on 28 Jun 2023

Hi, I have 20 panels of 555w and 13 amps. I have payed them in two string of 8 ( 308 volts) and two string of ) in parallel ( 255 volts) . According to the rating I should get 20x550 = 11000watts . But the system only produce about 3.4kw .inverter shows



on 28 Mar 2023

My solar screen is displaying Current Overflow and a constant low beeping. Is something wrong or is this a normal function. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



on 21 Nov 2022

Hi,I have 3kw system ecco inverter 24V running with 2 lead acid batteries 200ah Batteries is fully charged but when i connect load to it then it goes to zero even if i only run the lights on it .it worked fine for 5months but then this plz



on 02 Nov 2022

Hi, I have 4 300 Watt panels going into a renogy rover control box and from that to a 200 ah lithium. By the end of the day the box says around 37 ah but as soon as the sun comes up the ah go's to zero. And I have no loads hooked.???



on 14 Sep 2022

My solar system (3kW) is 2 years and has batteries as backup power. Problem is batteries no longer fill up what could the problem



on 28 Aug 2022

Have 6KW system with 16 Canadian solar panels. The highest output at 2 Pm 4KW. Have installed extra 4 modules, but no any improvement was noticed. Still 4 KW, each module 375 W. 10 panels West and 10 to East. Any Guess what is the reason?



on 19 Jul 2022

My solar system doesn't produce light Not even on the charger or inverter And is a new one What may be the cause?



on 26 Apr 2022

My solar system worked fine till recently. It stopped charging during the day and now only charges in the morning before the sun is out and in the evening after sunset. The inverter shows zero input and output

Joel M

Joel M

on 13 Apr 2022

I have 80 300w solar panel,37.68 rated voltage connected to 42Kw inverter. we found that some of the solar panels are now producing less average of 24V. what can be a cause



on 04 Apr 2022

Hallo thereI have a 100w solar panel, 30a controller and a 12v 100ah battery. My the system is only charging about 0.7v a day. When check on the multimeter the panel is at between 22 and 19.5v with about 56.5amp. The connection wire from the solar to the controller is 2m, and from the controller to the about 40cm. And from that I can light 2x 6w light bulbs then charge mobiles phone. What could be my problem

Mike H

Mike H

on 25 Feb 2022

I have 12 volt solar panels, I check them with a volt meter and there showing 20 volts there about 5 years old, what’s the deal with them



on 03 Jan 2022

After switching on my mains, the inverter starts beeping uncontrollably and no power gets let out.

Mayamiko Pingani

Mayamiko Pingani

on 25 Dec 2021

I don't have a power controller, and I just bought a new battery. I reversed the poles now the panel is not producing any electricity.

Jeremie Villoria

Jeremie Villoria

on 22 Dec 2021

I have a Foxess F6000, after installing it works perfectly but every morning a fault(Sample Fault) is occurring. When I restart the system, It will work again but then the next morning it will have the same fault. I would like to know the cause and the solution how to fix it. Thank you

Khalil Khan

Khalil Khan

on 15 Nov 2021

My panels of 1600watts are working good because when i measured the output voltage it was around 190 volts and ampere was 8.5 amps but when i connected the whole load which was around 1200 Watts,in the inverter it displayed pv output of 500watts due to which the battery also started to give power to the load to compensate for 1200 watts. Kindly address the issue.



on 02 Nov 2021

Hi, 10Kw solar install, when the sun is strong during lunch time and all panel are exposed. If the house not consum most th electricity, the inverter shut down, look like there is too much volatage or pressure against the grid. Now solar company saying, it might be load unbalanced on the 3 phase or the transformer which need maintenance, but I think it's because the inverter is plugged quite far away from the house, 100m cable. Any idea? It's in Thailand so thai ingeneer not the best...



on 26 Sep 2021

i have using victron inverter and the voltage of string is correct but the current is very low 0.5A but it should read more than 10A . what will be the problem



on 24 Jul 2021

I have 220Volt coming from my Solar System but my microwave is not heating, and my microwave works on 229 Volts from the city counsel



on 27 Jun 2021

My newly installed solar seems to have output problem, the battery charging indicator is working fine and when i turn on it gives output for about a minute and goes off even when the battery is not i changed the inverter (UPS) and it worked for like 10hours and again the same problem is back.... Now its again the one minute cycle when i turn off the inverter and restart it works for 1 minute and goes off with a beep...

Michael Franco

Michael Franco

on 16 Jun 2021

I have a Stand alone solar system, the company just replaced all 10 batteries today, even on a full charge system still will blink a red fault on the controller if there's any one out there that can help would much appreciate it because my solar guy told us today we are on our own now....



on 24 May 2021

Hi. Why my system is using power from batteries when there's no power outage in my area? Thanks



on 24 Apr 2021

I have a 400 watt Series array. In the early morning, I see the voltage jump up to 80 Volts, then drops down to 14.5 and stays there. If I disconnect the PV and reconnect it, it jumps back up to 80, and goes back down to 14 volts. While connected and showing 80 volts I get about 15 wats ( I know not to expect much power at all with no sun), but then again it drops back down to 14 volts. I cant figure for the life of me on whay I have to \" jumps start\" my panels by disconnecting and reconnecting to the charge controller. I also replaced the charge controller thinking it was defective since when i only had 1x100 watt panels it was fine, but as soon as I added the 3rd and the 4th....this issue.. do you think there is something wrong with the panels, or is this just how its supposed to be in the morning with no sun since i have more panels?

Craig J Ahrens

Craig J Ahrens

on 31 Dec 2020

I have 10 panels and added 2 new one. While they install them the system shut down. Had them come back and they work on it and got to to put power out. But now with 12 panels I don\'t even get the voltage got from 10.



on 26 Dec 2020

Hi, i recently added a gel type battery to my solar array and without realizing it, my controller only supports lead acid batteries. After a day i noticed that the charging indicator light was no longer lite up. During some troubleshooting i hooked up my spare solar panel and the charging indicator light came on. So my question is, can a controller damage the panels and cause them to stop generating power? These panels are less then 2 years old, so what are my options? Thanks

julius lubguban

julius lubguban

on 29 Feb 2016

Mate i have my solar the inverter is no fault but there's no output everyday b4 i can see everday how much klw loading a day i want ask a help if you know someone to help me check my solar coz the installer of my solar great solar i think already bankrupt so & the my solar still warranty tnx.



on 03 Mar 2016

Hi Julius, what's the brand of the solar inverter?



on 29 Jun 2019


Sharon baldwin

Sharon baldwin

on 12 May 2016

I have the same problem as this guy our reading on the meter is the same as last week even with all this brilliant sunshine we've had X only had the panels 2 years but no answers from the company when I try to ring them how do we check this the box has Elster / enphase on it

Louisa van Rooyen

Louisa van Rooyen

on 31 Oct 2016

How do i test a panel with the multy metre? How many volts must n single panel put out on n sunny day?



on 28 Nov 2016

hello, which country are u?

Asiimwe Richard

Asiimwe Richard

on 04 Dec 2016

i have a charge controller which shows charging even to maximum during shining day but whn it comes to evening time it drops to zero and even disconnects lights. could it have issues or its battery? thax



on 28 Jun 2019

Surely it's battery issue



on 26 Jan 2020

Use a mult-metre and measure the voltage from the PV, battery and inverter



on 05 Dec 2016

I have also a problem with no output from combimine box so what is a problem?at first everything was working good.

sunwell kahondo

sunwell kahondo

on 07 Mar 2017

my solar system says grid failure and I have checked the sub board breaker its tripped. Tried to reset it and its not holding. It trips instantly as I try to reset it. Please help



on 14 Apr 2017

Inverter issue usually when breaker trips like that the inverter is blown. Please check cabling from inverter to breaker is ok if so then it's the inverter



on 22 Apr 2017

My solar system says arc detected and DC generator error. The solar company yI purchased from went out of business and I cannot find anyone to come pout and trouble shoot. We have not greeted power since 2/17/17 after Edison came to check the meter. Any suggestions?



on 05 Nov 2017

I have the same problam mine sayes arc detected that one section does not work at all



on 24 Apr 2017

After implementing Solar solution I notice that whenever I on d breaker from the combiner the current raises to the acquired value but within a few seconds the current starts dropping until it reaches 0amps.will like to know if it's d charge controller faults or otherwise?

Bhunjun niraj

Bhunjun niraj

on 20 May 2017

Why solar panels cracks at the junction boxe and explodes?

Jim Whit

Jim Whit

on 25 May 2017

How can junction boxes be changed easily. They are adhered with a very strong adhesive.

Larry Rollins

Larry Rollins

on 27 Jun 2020

Adhere another next to it and rewire. Leave the old one in place...disconnected.

abdul wahid

abdul wahid

on 13 Jun 2017

Please some Body Help me my 150w solar panel out only 12volt and 0.5 amp show i am change diode but problem not solve my solar panel only 150w and 3 diode please help me



on 13 Jun 2017

one of my solar panels looks different to all the others so got on a ladder to see what was going on...looks like there is water or moisture trapped under the surface even though no rain in the past couple of days and the sun is out and the panel feels very hot...has something gone wrong? From a distance it looks as if the panel has shattered but if close this was not the case. How can i know if it is generating power or not?

James Van Vranken

James Van Vranken

on 11 Jul 2017

My system is not changing my batteries, in fact I charged using a generator and battery charger but 6 hours later I have lost about 20 percent of the charge. My system is struggling to achieve 12 volts. I have the inverter shut down and am not using it currently. Just trying to get the batteries charged again. This system is small, only 660 Watts. It has only been in service for about 2 months. My troubles seem to have started when I tried to run a refrigerator. I ran the refrigerator for about 24 hours and the battery should have not recovered. Is going on 4 days now.



on 12 Sep 2017

Good chance you killed your batteries. Solar batteries, especially AGMs, are highly sensitive to low-voltage or overdraw. Having a low-voltage disconnect (something that shuts your system down when your batteries drop to a certain voltage) will protect you in the future.

Dipak Rudra Pal

Dipak Rudra Pal

on 09 Sep 2017

i have a 2 KW SPV power plant. its running for 2 years. now, i have seen that for last 10 days its performance is not good. i can run only 300 watts of electronics machines by this power plant. now, i have chequed that no shading are there,how can i identify that what happen to my solar system....



on 08 Oct 2017

What does 'Ground 1 fault PAC +0.0W actually mean other than it is not generating? It has happened once or twice before but corrected itself eventually.

mark norman

mark norman

on 05 Nov 2017

Got 16 suntilite 250 watt modules on a south roof with power one inverter two strings. Inverter been changed twice and cant stop the outputs from the strings swopping over Under 1000 watts all fine output from both constant but over 1100 watts the output are 100watts different and the out puts will swop over string one 1100 string two 1500watts then swops around when sunny no cloud or shade Any ideas please voltage and amps seem ok and no error codes on inverter



on 29 Nov 2017

Hello , i have solar system complete with one battery but it has not served for a year and when i measured the charging of the panel and to from the charge controller it is giving me different voltage only decreasing after from the charger and to the loads from the battery there is very high/very fast discharge of voltage what can i do about it....



on 10 Mar 2018

My inverter shuts off immediately l turn it on. Can you help me out? My model no. is XPI-Lxxxx-B series

Kathy Holmes

Kathy Holmes

on 12 Mar 2018

My mother put in a solar system (started in July, was fully up in December) and has yet to get any benefits from it. The company we used out of California has been awful. Is there anyone I can talk to who can help me trouble shoot the system. On the SolarEdge site it shows power is generating but the meter (digital for solar systems) is not running backwards and the electric company does not recognize any change. I don't know much about systems and this has been a nightmare.

Ahmed Iyanda

Ahmed Iyanda

on 22 Dec 2021

Hi send pix and give more details.

lucy dipietro

lucy dipietro

on 29 Jan 2022

Hi - I think I have a similar problem. Our solar system has been producing, but our last bill showed no production. The lights on the Solaredge converter show green/producing. Are we able to tell from the 2 electric meters (one marked net) whether we are producing? We re-booted the inverter/power. Can't get someone to add a monitoring service for some weeks. TIA.



on 14 Mar 2018

I have one 12v 100w solar panels which is mono crystalline It is giving 20.8v and max 0.70 amp under lord when I short two wires it gives around 4 amp I have contacted two 12v 200w mono crystalline they are giving around 10.5 amp please suggest a way to improve my 100w solar panel amp



on 19 Mar 2018

my bp275 panals are discolered are they still good



on 14 May 2018

mine jarrett solar charge controller shows the error code "E01" what do I have to do??

nick tabamo

nick tabamo

on 21 May 2018

i have a 1 pv at 260 watts and 200 watts ang charge controller at 30 amp ang power inverter at 3000 watts i have also 2 batteries connecting in parallel, my connection of panel to contoller is good, controller to batteries is good, from batteries to inverter is also good but why it charge very slow, ang when i use 1 electic fan, my bettery charge lost slowly even the sun was in 12 o clock, pls help me ang give me advice on what i do to make my solar usefull



on 15 Aug 2018

Hi my new hybrid solar system does not find any voltage from the cells, before switching the cells on to the system, i can measure between 307 and 330 V form them, but when i switch them on the voltage drops to 2 V. can it be the connectors between the cells?

benn lines

benn lines

on 23 Dec 2018

The display on my Omny 3.6/4.0KW invertor indicates that the output has dropped to 0w. It tries to reset every 180secs but does not. Then the screen on the Invertor goes blank for a period of anything up to 2 to 3 hours when it suddenly springs to life and starts generating electricity. This lasts for about 3 to 4 hours before in fails again.

Jack James

Jack James

on 29 Mar 2019

I have 2 180w panels connected in parallel. If the clouds pass, the output drops to 11.2v. with sun its 13.7v. If I hook in series the controller has no output. I have a 12v solar batt. A mppt 30a controller. The panels are set at 45°.

Madhu Prabhuraj

Madhu Prabhuraj

on 24 Oct 2020

Never connect your panel in series. Yours is a 12v system and will get damaged with higher voltages. If it is connected to batteries, then the mentioned voltages are correct. If you want to check and don\'t have an engineer around, you can disconnect the battery terminals and check. The voltage may go upto 20v



on 08 May 2019

i have a powertech 4000s surge inverter and readout show 12.2 volts and operating lights are on but there is no power coming into my camp



on 06 Oct 2019

Hi, I am Patricia. my inverter is not charging and writing " no sun" when the sun is shining and its very hot. We cleaned the panel and check for faults,but no change.Please help trouble shooting.

Sakiusa Senivutu

Sakiusa Senivutu

on 11 Feb 2020

On my solar inverter the indicator always shows that by 9.00am every it is fully charged, but as soon as night falls we do not have enough to turn on even one light bulb. The system has been in our family for 4 years. Please help. There are no other alternative powers here in the village.



on 24 Mar 2021

Your batteries may be already deffective. Please have them checked by a battery technician and if they can still be rejuvenated. Otherwise they will have to be replaced.



on 17 Feb 2022

My solar system has stopped completely. Checked the inverter and it shows "NO DC CONNECTION". THE PEOPLE WHO INSTALLED IT A THREE YEARS AGO ARE NOT RESPONDING



on 07 Mar 2022

maybe you have a rapid shutdown system thats not working

Madhu Prabhuraj

Madhu Prabhuraj

on 24 Oct 2020

Your batteries might have expired. Please check the voltage at battery terminals every 10 minutes. There should not be any significant change. +/- 1 V is acceptable



on 08 Oct 2020

Inverter does not store any energy?! unless you mean a battery connected to your inverter. In that case you need to check out with your battery manufacturer because it seam your battery started to deteriorate.



on 19 Feb 2020

Why does my inverter show "No Input"

Askari Syed Hazoor

Askari Syed Hazoor

on 16 Mar 2021

can u answer why my invertor during night in moist wether , output voltage drops to zero and trips the whole solar connected load apart from grid supply



on 15 Apr 2020

Hi, my 24v hybrid solar inverter is showing PV REVERSE as it was kept on during night and it was lightning whole night. Before all this it was working smoothly. All of a sudden when lightning stuck somewhere in vicinity the led of inveter turned red and was showing PV REVERSE. could anyone suggest how to fix this issue.

Wasif Akbar

Wasif Akbar

on 11 Apr 2021

Same Problem here



on 17 Apr 2020

I have a solar system with four 300watts mono solar panels. During the shinning day the battery voltage is fully charged as indicated from my charge controller, but when I connect the loads on it, the battery voltage starts dropping until it gets to zero and the system goes off. When the system has gone off, the battery rises again to fully charged immediately and the same issue occurs when I power on the inverter. Please advise. Thank you.

Abdiwahid Ibrahim

Abdiwahid Ibrahim

on 20 Apr 2022

Your Problem is very clear ,battery bank is number one or you utilization is too high

Pradeep Prathipati

Pradeep Prathipati

on 13 Apr 2022

Plz check you battery bank. If any one of you battery bank cell is damage this issue will be there. If battery damaged due to any cell leakage as soon as you connect charging source it shows battery full bue to leakage.



on 20 Jan 2022

Hi Emmanuel, did you ever find out the problem? Have a similar issue myself.



on 23 Feb 2022

I have a similar problem as well. It doesn't drop to zero but it drops enough for the inverter to turn off while just trying to run my laptop. I'm guessing it's the battery? Although, today I tested the panel which has 20volts coming from it. So why doesn't the charge controller give the extra voltage when its under load?



on 03 Jul 2021

Check your batteries one or the two might be bad.



on 08 Oct 2020

if your voltage drop to zero, you need to check out for dead short in your connected load.

Prashant A Gaikwad

Prashant A Gaikwad

on 11 Oct 2021

Hello if JB is burnt and no voltage in a string of 60 modules what is the problem can u explain?

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