
Articles in Testing

PID Prevention
PID Prevention and Reversal Equipment ...
PID: what is it?
What is PID? ...
What is the temperature coefficient of a solar module?
Each solar cell technology comes with a unique temperature coefficient . This...
Mechanical Load Test: conduction and specification
The Mechanical Load Test is performed to determine the ability of the PV module...
PV Insulation Resistance Test: what is it and why perform it?
The  insulation resistance test is an electrical safety test and shows...
UV Preconditioning Test: set up and purpose
The UV preconditioning test is a test procedure to evaluate the impact degree of...
Hail Impact Test: hail and solar panels
The hail impact test is a mechanical test that verifies that a solar panel is...
Damp Heat Test: testing set up and purpose
The PV Damp Heat Test is an accelerated environmental aging test that determines...
Thermal Cycling Test: why perform it?
The PV Thermal Cycling Test is an environmental test that simulates thermal...
Rubbing Test: definition and usage
The Rubbing Test is a quality testing procedure refering to the adhesivity and...
ELCD Test: what is it and purpose?
With the help of an ELCD test ( ELCD: electroluminescence crack detection ), a...
Infrared Imaging: what is it and usage?
Infrared Imaging (or shortly: IR Imaging) refers in the solar PV industry to the...
Flash Test: technical background and importance
Solar Flash Tests (or:  Sun Simulator Tests ) measure the output...
Solar Cell Efficiency Test: what is it?
Before assembling the cells into a solar panel or shipping them to manufacturers...
EL Testing Insights: Impact of Microcracks on Solar Power Plants
Significant scientific solar PV literature has been dedicated to the impact of...

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