Polyvinyl fluoride is also called as PVF. It is a semi-crystalline, colorless, transparent-translucent fluoropolymer that has a good chemical resistance, a good weathering resistance and low permeability to gases. PVF has an extremely high tolerance to flexing and is a very slow burning substance. PVF is sold as a biaxial oriented film under the tradename Tedlar.1 The film is produced in a large variety of light to dark colors.
PVF films have exceptional resistance to weathering, depict inert behavior towards a large number of common chemicals and solvents, possess good heat resistance, and have superior mechanical properties when compared to other fluorinated polymers (PTFE, PTFC).
It is a less expensive alternative in its resistance against ozone, UV and other chemicals.
PVF film provides long lasting protection of exterior surfaces even in harsh outdoor environments.
It can be easily extruded and die-cut, and is also printable.
PVF has excellent fade resistance and good gloss retention because of which it can maintain its original color for many decades.
It is easy to clean and does not stain easily.
PVF exhibits slow burning and low permeability to vapor.
PVF has a low thermal stability to allow normal injection molding. It is only available as a film.
They use PVF films as a backsheet material for solar panels.
They help in the protection of laminates in the aircraft as they have a good chemical and UV resistance.
In architectural domain applications include wall coverings, residential and commercial roofing, siding, canopies, awnings and stadium domes. Here too they find application because they can resist UV and harsh chemicals very well.
They use PVF also as a release film for CFRP composites and for transfer printing
Tedlar is DuPont's tradename of PVF. It is the world’s only producer of PVF film.