The EU ProSun is a star of the ‘Solar Wars’. (Recall the Regan age star wars?). Early in the second decade of the 21st century, the photovoltaic industry expanded very fast, first in the US and then Europe. Soon the Chinese followed pursuit..With their knack for good administration, economical production, and wheeling dealing in the international market they captured a large portion of the US and European markets.European manufacturers were threatened with closures. German company Solar World took the lead action against this and started convincing the EU and US governments against what they described as illegal dumping by the Chinese. The Chinese had anticipated a hostile response and had already formed companies registered inside Europe who opposed this move on the pretext that free trade promoted cheaper products. These companies formed the ‘Alliance For Affordable Solar Energy’ (AFASE) on 1st march 2012.
Creation of EU Prosun
Milan Nitzschke of SolarWorld AG lodged a formal complaint with the EU authorities that the Chinese had been resorting to dumping cheap products in Europe. He also managed to register a complaint in USA against illegal Chinese practices in that country.In response to AFASE, he created the EU ProSun which was, at that time, a conglomeration of 20 solar business houses in Europe. Prosun was launched in July 2012. The stated mission of Prosun is to support and promote sustainable production of clean energy through solar technology.Apparently, this is in support of clean environment goals set by the European Union. It is also mentioned in the mission statement that one aim of this initiative to retain a level playing field, the world over, for European manufacturers of PV equipment while resisting against illegal trade practices.
Achievements EU ProSun
Efforts of EU ProSun were rewarded in 2013 when the US government found the Chinese guilty of trade malpractices and imposed penalty duties ranging from nearly 30 percent to 250 percent. The lowest penalties applied to Suntech and Trina Solar while others received the higher penalties.The Europeans were slower and milder, but did impose duties on some Chinese companies. Share of Chinese companies in the European and US markets was reduced as a result and European companies given a leveler playing field within Europe. The opposition alliance, the AFASE dissolved itself and joined the much larger SETI alliance.